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THIS IS WHAT I WANT 2015 presents a performance night and a symposium to discuss the triple bill of artists showing hidden desires, unseen voices and invisible body parts. Sign up for our mailing list and get tickets here



THIS IS WHAT I WANT 2015 presents a performance night and a symposium to discuss the triple bill of artists showing hidden desires, unseen voices and invisible body parts. Sign up for our mailing list and get tickets here



Buy tickets here


THREE ARTISTS. three performances. ONE THEME. DESIRE.

Special Note: MAY 29TH: NUDE NIGHT: Following TIWIW 2014’s wildly popular Nude Night, TIWIW 2015 will present an intimate, clothing-optional night of performances on Friday, May 29th. Audience members who chose to participate will be taxed per item of clothing (excluding socks and shoes) as an invitation to share in the state of vulnerability with performers, exploring a shared intimacy. Think extreme coat-check.

Click here to read more on the CounterPulse ticket page.

photo by Monica Semergiu


Cristina Victor’s Ass Capital: Reflections of a Contemporary Culo will be an auto-ethonographic, TED talk style lecture lead by the Victor’s ASS. Victor’s ASS will discuss coming of age in a predominately Latino/Hispanic Booty obsessed community, touch on the emergence of the current “Golden Booty Era” and lead into its meditations and concerns for the future of the culo in contemporary life and entertainment media. Topics will be supplemented by images, music, allegory and inevitable yet mild gyration. 

photo by Frank Chen


Performing vignettes based on her critical sex writing and erotica, Otálvaro-Hormillosa inspires sensual thinking and dialogue around gender, race, and sex. In her new work Psychic Gold, she stages images of desire and converses with historical and contemporary figures like Freud, Sor Juana, and men of different backgrounds to reflect on female “masculinities.” 


Jason Wyman

Part installation, part performance, all interactive, Jason Wyman’s Confessing Desire invites the audience to become the subject of poetry by confessing their desires to The Mystic. The Mystic bares witness to each person who steps behind the paper screen and using a blank page and a pen, transforms their confessions into poetry. Meanwhile, The Prophet sets the stage, reveals poetry, and engages the Storytellers in creating sonic landscapes of echoed desires. Confessing Desire is performed by Jason Wyman (The Mystic) and Shirley Acuna (The Prophet).  




Confess your desire to Jason


watch gigi work her psychic gold







This year's TIWIW Festival Symposium, led by guest curator and academic crystal am nelson, will delve into the issues as proposed by the artists' works. Come tell us what you think about it all. 


be visible. cruise smarter.

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TIWIW 2015 Press

TIWIW 2015 Press

2015 Press

2015 Audience Quotes

“This is the best thing I’ve been to in the Bay Area” - Julia Harvard

“You can really tell the work that has gone into this, behind the scenes, it seems like an amazing group of people. What an amazing atmosphere.” - Ama Budge

"It captured a spirit of San Francisco that I thought had died with 848. It's so important that its happening in the Bay still." - Jess Curtis

"I thought this kind of work had died when the artists moved out of SF.  I'm so inspired you guys are keeping it alive." - anonymous

“I'm still under impression of last night's performance, especially of the last piece. Incredible!” - Dasha

“It’s really unique. Never seen anything like it.” - Wendy Blank

“It was so cool. I’m kind of overwhelmed.” - Katie Oswell

"intense and eye opening” - Wendy Vasta

“You should take this on tour. The world needs to see this.” - Martha Victor

"This show is outstanding. Bravo." - Ian Waisler

"Just so good." - Margit Galanter

About Cristina Victor's piece: "incredible, powerful, beautiful, talented, gracias." - anonymous

"Thank you artists, curators, organizers and volunteers, for a moving, exciting, (thought)provoking evening of powerful work!!! I'm so glad I got to experience it." - Ronja Verr

"Such a strong and good community feeling, super inspiring." - Rachael

You dealt so well with identity/race, colonialism in the work - Camille

"So amazing to experience the generosity of both the audience and artists" - Julie Phelps




Cristina Victor is an interdisciplinary San Francisco based, Cuban hyphen American artist born and raised in the transience capital that is Miami. The daughter of Cuban exiles, Victor’s work plays with the inheritance of the exile experience and notions of displacement. Through performance/food events, video and installation, Victor creates environments where language, parody, fiction, contradiction and nostalgia are all ingredients to addressing the complexities of framing and questioning identity. Victor’s work explores authenticity and latino identity through re-appropriation of stereotypes, engaging audiences in a dialogue about how identity is constructed and digested. Victor earned her BA from Sarah Lawrence College and MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute.

You can view more of Cristina's work at: 

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Gigi Otálvaro-Hormillosa is a performance artist, writer, and psychogeographer. Her work has been presented nationally and internationally. Previously, she directed the arts organization (a)eromestiza. Her writing has been published in Performance Research, Social Justice Journal, Postcolonial and Queer Theories: Intersections and Essays and Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory / Theorizing the Filipina American Experience. She has received awards from Core77, Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art, the San Francisco Art Commission, the Potrero Nuevo Fund Prize, and the National Association for Latino Art and Culture. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Theater and Performance Studies at Stanford. 

You can view more of Gigi's work at

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Jason Wyman is the co-founder of 14 Black Poppies, an intergenerational, intercultural production company at the intersection of art, community, wellness, and civics. Wyman values collaboration, openness, compassion, and integrity in his work and life. His work is rooted in themes of social justice, intersectionality, and belonging. He lives near San Francisco General Hospital with his beautiful husband and his pride of feral cats. He dreams a San Francisco that once was and will be again. 

For more information, please check out the 14 Black Poppies website at 


The Storytellers

TIWIW 2015 community group

The Storytellers

TIWIW 2015 community group

Wills cultivated a community of queer-identified people to explore the themes of the festival, and desire as a sociopolitical force. Wills designed the course with participatory practice of mind and body, lectures, presentations from the performing artists, and space to make work responses of their own. If you came to the show, you might have seen some of the storytellers in the beginning of the night against the wall.

Wills invited storytellers to be critically and bodily engaged, and so participants pulled apart and voiced our responses to the artists work - whilst working for ourselves. This community project has navigated unchartered territory, a facilitated opportunity to go deep into exploring personal desires. Like a small group of rebels, storytellers were inspired to meet in small corners, move, listen, share, watch, and uncover our stories - the ones that lie below the earth unannounced, until one stops to listen and hears the quiet rumble of something ready to be revealed. This project is Wills' creative output. 

These are the 2015 Storytellers. Click on their image to see more about their story.

2015 Storytellers:

Ferrara Brain, Pavini Moray, Erich Eich, Thom Vee, Trouve Ivo, Tiara Paedia, Devin, Elizabeth Cooper, Captain, Jess Zita Bennett & Cindy Dewitt 

Led & guided by TIWIW artistic director, Tessa Wills





 Tessa Wills

Tessa Wills is an artist working around themes of desire, professional mourning, sex work and hermits. She has artistically directed TIWIW since 2012.



Elizabeth Cooper



Lolo Fernandez 



Jess Zita Bennett


CO-PRESENTED BY: counterpulse



The Zellerbach Family Foundation

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

And two anonymous donors



crystal am nelson

 crystal am nelson is a scholar and artist who focuses on race, gender, sexuality, and representation. She holds an MFA in photography from San Francisco Art Institute, and she is currently a PhD student in the History of Art and Visual Culture Program at UC Santa Cruz. She has held numerous residencies, including most recently with Fieldwork Marfa, the Center for Photography at Woodstock, and the McColl Center for Visual Art. Her curatorial work includes events/projects at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and Queen’s Nails Annex in San Francisco, and David Castillo Gallery in Miami. She won a 2013 apexart Franchise curatorial grant for the group exhibition Heterotopia, and she is currently working on a group exhibition titled Dark Desires, which explores black female sexualities. Her writing has appeared in The Brooklyn Rail, Art Practical, and Identity Theory, among other places.